To ensure the safety and preservation of collections materials:
- Registration: Register in the Cushing Online Request System (Aeon) prior to using the Kelsey Reading Room, and requesting materials and duplication.
- Belongings: Store personal belongings in a locker. Staff at the front desk will provide access.
You are welcome to bring the following to the Kelsey Reading Room:
- no. 2 pencils
- laptop, tablets, or mobile phones
- small camera
- reference books (identified during sign-in)
Do not bring the following to the Kelsey Reading Room:
- food and drink
- writing utensils such as pens, highlighters, markers, or whiteout
- tripods, additional lenses, scanners (flatbed or hand), or other photographic/scanning equipment
- cutting tools
- bags
- Identification: Present photo-identification at the Kelsey Reading Room staff desk.
- Handling: Handle all special collections material with care, and follow all instructions given by Cushing Public Services staff.
- Wash hands with soap and water prior to using materials.
- Public Services staff will provide instruction on proper handling, including use of supports and number of items able to be used at once.
- Materials are to be used in the Kelsey Reading Room.
- Sound: Silence all electronic devices. This includes cell phones, laptops, tablets, and cameras.
- Flash: You may take photographs (without flash) of materials for personal use. Ask Public Services staff about taking photographs and other scanning options.
- Computers: Kelsey Reading Room Computers are for collections-related searches and research.
If you have questions about this policy, contact
Cushing Public Services prior to your visit.